QMU Disability Service - Initial Registration Questionnaire

Please tell us a little more about the potential impact of your illness/disability on study.

This will assist us in assessing your needs, and in making sure that we can provide you with the best possible support during your studies! Any questions please email us at disabilityadvisers@qmu.ac.uk.

Initial Registration Questionnaire

Please enter your contact email address
If you are currently applying for QMU then you should have received this number as part of the Admissions process.
Please enter the name of the course you have applied for at QMU OR the name of the course you are currently on (if your course has commenced)
Please give some information about the nature of your illness/disability eg dyslexia
Travelling to University or placement, including the use of public transport
Regular attendance at University or placement, including seasonal variations
Moving around campus and managing transfer between buildings
Making safe unassisted emergency exit from buildings
Using standard height work surfaces, equipment and seating
Using equipment or software particular to your chosen course
Accessing visual information
Accessing auditory information in a variety of environments (with or without induction loop)
Using computer labs or the library for private study
Carrying out tasks requiring manual dexterity, eg note taking, manipulation of lab equipment
Carrying out tasks requiring physical exertion such as lifting
Sustained concentration or memory
Reading intensively
Handwriting under time pressure and/or for prolonged periods
Using a standard keyboard
Producing coherent written work, with attention to spelling and grammar, under time pressure
Communicating clearly and giving oral presentations
Self advocating, and managing your own time and workload
Making friends and managing the social aspects of University life
(If you do not expect your illness/disability to adversely affect your studies or attendance at University, please also state this here.)
For example this could include Laptops, extra time in exams, BSL interpreter, Disabled Students Allowance etc

Evidence/Documents Relating to Disability/Condition

Please upload evidence of your illness/disability below, if available (up to 3 documents may be uploaded)

Examples of acceptable evidence might be GP letter or an Educational Psychologist report.

If you are sending scanned documents please ensure that these are as clear as possible.

Note: Do not worry if you do not have evidence at this stage, we can get this later.

Need more information?

If you have any questions at all about filling in the form or the Disability Service please email us at disabilityadvisers@qmu.ac.uk.

Further information also available via the Disability Service section of the QMU website: