Voluntary Mental Wellbeing Self Assessment Tool

Self assessment tool to determine Mental Wellbeing score

  • Taken from Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), copyright NHS Scotland, University of Warwick and Edinburgh, 2006.All Rights Reserved.

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Voluntary Mental Wellbeing Self Assessment Tool

This is a Self-Assessment Tool to help determine your Mental Wellbeing Score. *Taken from Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) copyright NHS Scotland, University of Warwick and Edinburgh. 2006. All Rights Reserved.


Please follow these steps to calculate your score - when answering questions if you can select a score that best describes your experience over the past 2 weeks.

After you have completed the questions please click on 'Next Page' to discover your score and advice. 

None of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time
I've been feeling optimistic about the future
I've been feeling useful
I've been feeling relaxed
I've been feeling interested in other people
I've had energy to spare
I've been dealing with problems well
I've been thinking clearly
I've been feeling good about myself
I've been feeling close to other people
I've been feeling confident
I've been feeling loved
I've been able to make up my own mind about things
I've been interested in new things
I've been feeling cheerful
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